Caturday Thoughts – A Day of Recreation

Map of Frontier Culture MuseumI really wanted to get out and do something different on the Monday of the holifay weekend but most activities were on Sunday or Saturday when I volunteer at the rescue thrift. Finally I found that a local museum, The Frontier Culture Museum, was having their big day on the Monday. Just ten miles away from where I live, it is a collection of historical dwellings itended to show life on the colonial frontier and the lives of the immigrants before they came. In all the time I’ve lived in the area, I’ve never visited. Sot hat Monday I did. We had a lot of rain and I was very happy to wake up that morning to blue skies. The temperature was warm but not hot and humid so I had a wonderful day and did a lot of walking. I don’t get enough exercise living in town and I know I need to do more, so that was a bonus.

Thyme plantOne thing I enjoyed was investigating the gardens at the different houses. Nearly every one had an herb and vegetable garden and I easily recognized all the herbs and vegetables. There were costumed docents at all the houses and these included a group of high school students who are part of a secial program. They all seemed to enjoy learning history as an activity rather than sitting in class and being bored memorizing names and dates. I hadn’t visited any place like this in a long time and realized I needed get back to doing things like I did when I lived in other states. I enjoyed the museum so much I bought an annual membership and plan to go back at the end of the month when they have their wine and jazz festival.

Natural bridge see from walkway belowIts been almost seven years since I took a day trip just to do something different. I went to Luray Caverns. I have loved caves since I was a kid. Virgina actually has a lot of caves and I’ve decided I want to see some more of them. I am making a deal with myself.  I will treat myself to a trip when I finish that darn thesis. About an hour south of where I live is a state park with a natural bridge and a lot of hiking trails. There is also a cave nearby and you can get a combo ticket for both so why not?  There are several other caves and I may just try to visit one a month until I’ve seen them all. No two are alike, oviously and each one always has something special. There is one over the border in West Virginia that offers a wild cave tour. The chance to go for that would be a great motivator for getting back in shape. Wild caving is just that, there are no lights and railed walkways. You need headlamps and good boots and a bit more energy. It’s more like what you see on a National Geographic special than a leisurely stroll. Life is short and there’s a lot to do and see. I am not likely at this point in my life to summit Everest, winter over in Antarctica or discover a lost city in some jungle, but that doesn’t mean there can’t be some adventure.

Stalagmites in cave

About angela1313

I am a cat lover, a writer, and an overextended blogger trying to foster for a cat rescue, finish a Master's degree and rehab a fixer upper house i bought.
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2 Responses to Caturday Thoughts – A Day of Recreation

  1. Lavinia Ross says:

    I’ve been to Luray Caverns, long, long ago, and enjoyed it. Mammoth Caves in western Kentucky is also a good place to visit. Back then there was a 6 hr, 6 mile underground cave tour taken wearing knee pads and a miner’s headlamp. I don’t know if they still do that.


    • angela1313 says:

      Mammoth Caves and Carlsbad Cavern are o my bucket list. The wild caving at the place in West Virginia is four hours and they let you know you get so muddy you need to bring a complete change of clothes.It doen’t put me off in the least. Mammoth Caves must have been fascinating,if I get there anytime soon I’ll check for that knee pads and headlamp tour.


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